Ah, dear reader, thanks for an amazing year over the past twelve months. I’ve got some fun surprises planned in the coming 12 months which will most definitely have an echoing effect on the Reformed Southerner. No fear, your weekly installments of The Devil’s Road will continue starting this coming Sunday, and you may hear from me a bit more often. If it’s overwhelming and you need to skedaddle, I understand. However, if you hang with me, you may find even more fun subjects for us to breakdown and discuss.
For my subscribers, I humbly thank you for your readership, and to those that send me a few ducats every month, 🙏. I would love to encourage you all to jump into the conversation as you are comfortable. To that end, here are a couple of reader questions and a suggestion I’d like to make as we move into this new year.
Reader comment: “I really enjoy the articles, but I wish there was a way to read them on my time, and not worry about losing the emails.” Well, you are in luck. I highly suggest that you take a look at the Substack app. There are thousands of amazing writers on the app and you can search them by subject or name. Some of your favorite political activists, fiction/non-fiction writers, and commenters on culture write weekly as well and you should have access to some of these amazing stories, opinions, and insights. In addition, it makes it easier for you to reach out to me directly with your comments and questions.
Reader comment: “I have a friend who would love to read the Devil’s Road, but you’re so far along that they’ll have to pay to catch up.” Look, I appreciate the dollar bills, but I also appreciate a great deal. To that end, let me introduce to you the free trial! Have a friend that you think would love to read along, send them a link to a free trial of a paid subscription. As we are only 75 pages into the book, they’ll have 30 days to catch up. Then they can cancel the free trial, and move to a free subscription and play along. Believe me, I’m more interested in people reading than cash in my pocket (although I’ll take it if you’re handing it out 😬.)
A suggestion: As a southerner I’d be remiss if I didn’t start the next comment with, “Ya’ll.” Ya’ll, feel free to join in on the conversation. If you follow the link to this article in your email you can add to the discussion. Book Notes, Culture Articles, and The Devil’s Road stories all have comments enabled, and has led to some interesting discussions. Have ideas for a character, a topic you would like me to look into, read something you think is amazing and you want to tell me how amazing I am for thinking of it … always welcome 🤯.
So, What’s Next?
In the coming months you will get the conclusion of The Devil’s Road as Sheriff Hart joins forces with F.B.I. Agent Moses chasing the Driver, a serial killer that hunts along Interstate 40 in the plains of Oklahoma. Book Notes posts on several new non-fiction books including Principles by Ray Dalio, American Gun by Cameron McWhirter and Zusha Elinson, and my current read, When We Cease to Understand the World by Benjamin Labatut. If you are seeing a theme between these reads and past Book Notes articles … yes, they may tie together into a larger conversation for even more articles and discussion.
As always, thank you for your support. Thank you for your subscribership, and most importantly, thank you for taking a little time to bring your thoughts, emotions, and self to this little corner where I scramble words together on a screen for others to read.